How is Blogging Beneficial For Your Small Business

Table of Contents

Confused! Why has blogging become the essence of digital marketing?

I am sure; this question must be inhibiting the minds of a lot of you out there? There are a plethora of blogging benefits that have created a special place for it in the modern business. I have been blogging for more than 3 years, and it has helped me build community and generate revenues for sharing my write-ups.

Well, it is just the one side of the story. There are many other benefits of blogging that need an in-depth understanding, and that is why I am here to share my opinion on the same. But, before we proceed, it is necessary to know the meaning of a blog.

top benefits of blogging

What is a BLOG?​

​A blog is an online chronicle where you can express your thoughts and share interesting facts on particular topics. Guess what? You can reach millions of people by updating this online journal on a regular basis. Isn’t it cool? So you can maintain your own website as a platform to share your articles, or you can make use of blogging platforms like HubPages, blog spot, Huffington post and other platforms for expressing your ideas.

​Elements of a Good Blog

​My experience speaks that a good blog is something that can attract the attention of the readers. But, how to determine the elements that make it worthy of a read? Here is a list for your reference:

  • Start with a smash – An enticing headline with an exciting beginning is just what is needed to invite people to your blog. Usually, headlines with a question note like “How To” and “WHY” articles are always catchy and ignites the interest among the visitors.
  • Make it easy to read – Present it in simple words that make it easy to read. Offering a write-up that contains a vocabulary full of bombastic words and verses makes understanding difficult and certainly makes your blog a monotonous place to halt.
  • Write a story – We all like to read stories. Isn’t it? Presenting it in a story form can do wonders to your blog’s traffic.
  • Add a personal touch – I have noticed that people always enjoy reading stuff that has a personal touch to it. The audience asks for real proofs, and if a story is narrated in a personal tone that can convince the audience, it will surely serve as an icing on a cake.
  • Bulleting – Indeed! It is essential elements that make a blog interesting and encourage more visitors to stop by. Reading long paragraphs often becomes boring and dividing a write-up into bullets and points is a sure-shot strategy to enhance the readership. You can always make use of different bullet styles to make it attractive.
  • Use Subheadings – Subheadings offer an idea about the matter inside it. Often people who are looking for information and not much interested in reading the whole stuff finds it helpful. After all, it is the duty of a blogger to help his readers by creating a blog that is inviting.
  • Make use of eye-catching images – Images always have a great impact on the mind of the users. An arresting image is a bang on your blog post.
  • Provide factual information – Don’t try to cheat your users by providing unrealistic information to them. To build trust among your audience, offer a piece of information that is real and authentic. Cheap tricks always fail, but originality always takes you a long way.
  • A goal-based end – You should end at a point where you actually want to take your readers.

​Top Blogging Benefits for Small Business Owners

​The main aim of the article is to throw light on the advantages of writing a blog. Here are a few of them:

#1. ​It Boost Your Writing Skills

boost writing skills

This is the initial benefits of starting a blog. If you are good with your writing, maintaining a blog further enhances your writing skills and bring out the writer in you. The great thing is that your potential to write can earn you a lot of money and fame in the world of writing.

#2. It Enhances Domain Authority and Page Authority of a Website 

It is a 100 point logarithmic scale used by Search Engines the generate the actual rank of a website. That is the reason; every webmaster makes a best possible effort to enhance the domain authority and page authority of a site.

According to Google’s update, the first page of Search engine results in often populated with the blogs and articles relating to a specific keyword. It has provided with a reason to the business houses to merge their blog page into their business site. Hence, it helps their business to get recognition and enhance their Domain and Page Authority. It becomes easier for the sites with better authority to rank fast on the top pages of the Search results complementing their need for achieving a better MOZ score.

The Authority of a website is determined by the uniqueness & quality of a blog. Along with that, a number of total links, linking root domains of the blog and quality of the inbound links are also employed to do the calculation. Hence, higher the authority of your site, better get the prospects for its growth.​

#3. Helping to Get Natural Backlinks

​Do you know that blogging is the best way to generate valuable backlinks to a website?

Indeed! Google tend to appreciate a site that has more number of quality backlinks.

Obviously, the quality of content plays a significant role in this respect. Content with factual and original information is regarded as a quality blog by GOOGLE that quickly gets a desired position on the search engine results.

If your blog contains a high-quality content and help your readers, then your website tends to get natural backlinks.

Natural Backlinks are those links that people link to your content without your knowledge. Just like Wikipedia is known to have exceptional content and that is the reason for most of the webmasters to link Wikipedia to their website. Believe me, if you can manage natural backlinks for your site, you can do wonders in the world of content marketing.

Why not magnify the value of your website by earning natural backlinks to your site. So if you can get it right, you can reap the maximum advantages of blogging.

​#4. Your Site Get More Social Share

Do you know, blogging helps to get more social shares? Most of the online communities are the social media communities. If you have an established social media communities, you can conveniently sell them on social media.

Again, high-quality content is what you need to publish to get more social shares. When you write a valuable content and share it with your readers, it builds trust among them for they rely on your blog as an authentic source of information. In fact, they make use of the information in real life also.

For example – If a digital marketer shares some information on SEO tricks, newbies will apply those methods to observe the result, and if they find it useful, they will definitely wait for his/her next blog to get published and subscribe to your blog.

This way you also earn subscribers to your blog and get reshares through email marketing also.

Always make it a point to post QUALITY CONTENT on your blogs, and nobody can stop you from yielding more social shares.

​#5. Improves Site Credibility and the Bounce Rate

I am really excited to inform you that blogging is an incredible platform that drops the bounce rate of a blog and enhances the site credibility. When people trust your information, they visit your site often to check for updates. If a visitor hails around in your site for about 3-4 minutes, the effect can be seen on the bounce rate of the site.

For example – If you share a blog with a word count of about 1000-1500 words, the visitor will take almost 10-15 minutes to read the entire thing and this will have an amazing effect on your site’s performance and bounce rate.

#6. Helps to Interlink Your Service and Goals

​Do you own a blog? If the answer is yes, you can link your service page to it and initiate traffic to your website. For that, you need to maintain high-quality write-up so that visitors take the time to go through it. Remember that success in the world of blogging ultimately depends on the quality you offer.

Once, your readers start trusting you, they will definitely initiate a click to the linked anchor text, and you may generate leads from those clicks. Also, once they land into your service page, they get an idea of the kind of services you deal with. It is again going to benefit you in the future. Hence, the importance of blogging gets well-justified when you start to observe real traffic to your site.

#7. You become an influencer

Bloggers are the people who belong to the committee of influencers. Whatever they write, people read and follow them. For example – If your area of specialization is digital marketing, and if the newbie bloggers find it helpful, they get influenced and incorporate those tricks in their practical life.

​When your website is dedicated to offering quality reading experience to the people, visitors tend to follow you, and you become an influencer. Hence, it helps you get more traffic that is equal to an extended list of followers, subscribers, and leads.

#8. You Can Sell Affiliate Products

​Now let’s talk business.

Do you know that bloggers are the best-known affiliate marketers?

Just register with affiliate marketing sites like Amazon or eBay and paste the related products on your website. When people visit your blog to read your article and find that the product of your affiliate seems to be useful, they will initiate the click and will definitely order the product. Obviously, encouraging someone to buy your affiliate’s product help you earn rewards in commission basis and boost your earning. In fact, affiliate marketing is the biggest source of money-making for most of the bloggers out there.

​#9. You Become a Teacher to Newbies

​I am sure, you must be thinking how come a blogger become a TEACHER. To be honest, when you share informative write-up with people, you automatically become their Guru. They get to learn new things that were not known to them before. This way you educate people and earn their trust and recognition for yourself in the world of digital marketing.

​#10. Passes Link Juice to Your Lead Page

Here comes one of the best advantages of having a website. Indeed! When you showcase the quality content as your work portfolio to your readers, they get back to you again and again. Apart from halting to your website repeatedly, they don’t mind passing a link juice to your lead page by creating an anchor text to their content that redirects the visitors to your lead page. Isn’t it an amazing way to generate traffic to one’s website? So keep up the good work and give a reason to people to revisit your site.

#11. You Can Sell Your Own Products

benefits of a personal blogging

​Any plans to indulge in product selling eCommerce business? If your answer is yes, no other platform, but blogging can contribute in your endeavors. Just share a promotional post on different platforms discussing the benefits of the same, and you will get many buyers for your product. Isn’t it a profitable strategy to get more buyers that are not really easy to gain if a traditional method is something you focus on. Just give it a try and feel the difference.

​#12. Your Blog Gain Trust of The People

Not to exaggerate, quality is always the first and final parameter to determine your success in the online world. Once, you become an established blogger, people start trusting your blog and consider it as a right place to source for the related knowledge. The reason being the authenticity of the information in the blog that holds value for the readers. So if you own a blog, you have bright chances to get connected to your audience well.

The blogging benefits are immense. Apart from the benefits mentioned above, being a blogger itself is a great achievement that helps you earn recognition worldwide.

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