7+ Terrible Blogging Mistakes Made by Every Newbie Bloggers

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Are you the one who are doing a lot of hard work to get targeted visitors to your blog or earn money via blogging, but you hardly getting the results?

If yes, then there might be a few loop holes which you are missing. Blogging itself is a huge business and if done right, then nothing can stop you from name and fame, but many bloggers do read tips from professional blogger yet make common blogging mistakes which become hurdles in achieving your dreams.

Here I am listing a few, but very important blogging mistakes which are made by mostly newbies in the market and if you avoid such common mistakes, then sure you will surely pursue your blogging dream passionately.

Top 7 Common Blogging Mistakes You Ought to Avoid

#1. Lack Of Knowledge :

lack of knowledge - mistakes in blogging

Blogging is all about sharing information and if you don’t have right or current information about the topic you are blogging, then readers would surely repel from your blog and success would be just a dream. There are many blogger I have seen who just copy paste from other blogs and think they will start getting ranks in search engines and good traffic. When readers read your articles they realize that writer has enough knowledge about the topic or not, thus if you are writing any article, then make sure you have sufficient knowledge about it.


#2. No Personal Writing Style :

no personal writing skills - blogging mistakes

Image Source : www.NWUDC.org

As I mentioned earlier that copying don’t work with blogging, no matter either its copying text or copying someone’s writing style. Every writer should have their own writing style which can be understood by readers. If a famous blog is using very tough sentences, then it doesn’t mean that you need to use such language, it would be better if you use the language your readers understand easily and don’t have to open up dictionary every time they read your article. Of course, keep improving on your writing and grammar, but have your own writing style.

#3. Bad Blog Design :

bad blog design - blogging mistake no 3

In Blogging, apart from writing, presentation also matters. I do visit a few blogs, which have very good content, but I can hardly navigate through pages or the typography is hardly readable. Such blogs have more bounce rate because design also repeal readers. Many newbie start with fancy designs like too bright colors or a lot of irrelevant ads, but later they realize that the blog don’t look professional and gives a bad impression about blogger. So try to avoid this mistake in your blogging profession.

#4. Proper contact info :

ignoring contact info - blogging mistakes to avoid no 4

We spend our maximum time on the internet, but while reading any blog we know that there is a human who shared information. Thus, it’s important that a proper bio of blogger (About Me page) and contact page is added to blog so that any reader want to communicate with writer can use contact page. When people visit your blog and don’t find proper contact information, then you might miss a good opportunity or targeted readers.

#5. Infrequency of post :

infrequency of post is the common blogging mistake

There are millions of blogs, but only a few have huge subscriber base.

Ever wondered why? It’s because readers only subscribe to blogs which provides proper information and keep posting new blog posts frequently. Many bloggers don’t maintain frequency of posts and thus readers don’t know when to expect next post.

I have a blog where I hardly get time to maintain content post frequency and as a result it gets very less traffic as compared to my other blogs where I maintain the frequency rate. It doesn’t mean that you need to publish post daily, it’s ok to post even twice a week, but do maintain, so that your readers can expect regular blog posts from you.


#6. Niche :

niche is problem and mistake in blogging

90% of time people, who start blogging with primary goal to earn money, start with multi-niche blog. This is a huge blogging mistake because when a person visits your blog to get information about specific topic then instead of relevant topics he comes across a lot of different topics, which makes him believe that you are Jake of all and Master of None. Next time he won’t visit your website to get relevant information, rather he will visit a blog, which is of single niche and where he gets relevant posts. Single Niche blogs are beneficial for attracting targeted traffic, search engines, advertisers and even lowers your blog’s bounce rate.

#7. Lack of SEO knowledge:

lack of knowledge is the common mistakes while blogging

Many bloggers ignore learning SEO techniques which are very important to get your website good ranking in search engines. A few of them don’t think that it’s worth it and a few of them think it’s too complicated to learn. No matter what is the reason, if you want to be a successful blogger, then you need to gain knowledge about SEO for your blog. When I started blogging, I used to read a lot to know about working SEO techniques and I still do. If you think, it’s quite difficult to understand, then you can hire SEO expert for your blog and also learn from them.

#8. No social communities:

ignoring social community

Image source : www.meltwater.com

You need to maintain contacts while doing any business and it goes same with blogging. There are a lot of social networking websites where you can contact your fellow bloggers, make new contacts, learn and share information, etc. You can even post guest articles on other blogs, so that you can attract targeted visitors for your blog. I have noticed many bloggers having attitude problem and they hardly get active on social communities or even reply to comments rudely. Such attitude is never going to helps you to grow in blogger community thus avoid making such mistakes.

There are millions of blog post and if you want to stand out in the crowd, then you must avoid above-mentioned most common blogging mistakes. I had to learn a lot of blogging strategies by my own and I too made mistakes, but I learned from it and tried not to repeat them. Even you should try to learn new strategies and keep such common mistakes away. Do share with us what mistakes you made as a newbie blogger and how to fix these terrible mistakes in blogging platform.

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