Top 10 Secrets of Content Marketing Strategies That Make Leads

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The True Power of Content Marketing Campaign

When you need something, what is the first thing you do?

You take out that sleek device in your pocket and Google it. Then you click on one of the million search results and see if it answers your question…

What do you do if you think the content on the page is not interesting enough, or if it contains grammatical mistakes, or is cluttered all over the site?

You simply move on to the next better designed website with better content. Now that is the very foundation on which content marketing is based. Gone are the days when companies would rely on traditional marketing strategies and methods to spread the name of their company far and wide; why, most customers do not even watch television today if that was your top priority for advertising!

As per surveys, people are more likely to believe something they can read and understand themselves, as a matter of fact, content marketing has become even more influential than word of mouth advertising…..

Can you believe that? Even some of the biggest companies in the world are resorting to content marketing strategies to generate leads to their respective websites.

You see, with the whole world being reduced to a global village now, people would only rely on websites that appeal to them.

top content marketing tactics

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Why Do You Need Content Marketing?

Your website and the content of your site is a reflection of everything that you stand for as a company. Everything you do, the services you offer, your contact details, client testimonials etc.

All this is a part of your web content. But no one wants to sit and read pages of content if it is not organized properly, or is complicated or not meaningful! If you haven’t done it already, you need to look up effective content marketing ideas today, to make your website the best one out there.

When you set up a website, you will be astonished to see how many sites of the similar category there are, and some of them are much better than yours…

What can you do to set yourself apart from the rest?

Effective Content Marketing Practices  is the answer. You need to give your customers a reason to pick you from a plethora of options; and that is precisely why you need to consult with a content marketing expert who can guide you with the process.

10 Proven Ways That will Help You Get Ahead in Content Marketing

Simply wishing for content marketing strategies won’t do, you have to have a few tricks up your sleeve to get ahead in this field; especially since there are hundreds others just like you struggling to find their way to the top….

Ask any content marketing expert or internet marketing service provider and they will agree with these ten secrets of content marketing tactics that can help you win the virtual war.

#1. Understanding the Basic Formula :

If you’re in the internet marketing business, it would be safe to assume that you’re aware of the formulas and algorithms that form the basis of such marketing. Similarly for content marketing, there is one basic formula which you must follow to ensure lead generation. Take a look,

L = (A*P) + (O * (I*E*C))/2R + F

Here, L stands for Leads, A for Audience and P for Problems (meaning that lead generation is the product of problems and target audience),

O stands for Offer, I for Interest, E for Easy and C for Credible. R stands for Risk and F for Frequency.

Confused? Don’t be, once you read this formula and learn it by heart,

you will understand how to approach target audience in the market and guarantee results.

#2. Quality of Your Content –

Quality of Your Content

This one is pretty obvious when it comes to good content marketing strategies. Your content has to be absolutely spot on, it needs to be fresh and unique, creative, fascinating and grab the attention of your audience…

In a generation of decreasing attention span, you need to come up with content that is backed up by logic and through research. You should make sure that your content highlights all the pros and cons, so that your customers can read it and understand why they should choose you.

Content marketing have logical argument and perspective, and ones which give the audience pleasure and inspiration are likely to generate more leads than boring, monotonous ones which your customers are likely to gloss over.

#3. Catchy Headlines :

Why do newspaper articles, or the posts you read on social networking sites have headlines?

Because that is the first thing you see, and we all know that first impression is indeed the last impression….

Also, by reading the headline your readers get a clear idea of what your article is all about.

And that can break or make the deal, for example, if you make the headline mainstream or boring, you are likely to miss out on customers as they would probably keep scrolling.

Let\’s face it, while looking up stuff on the net, we click on the one with the most catchy headline.

Your headline needs to convey the message clearly, but maintain a bit of suspense that will force your reader to read the rest of the article. This is one of the most underrated content marketing strategies that can help you out.

#4. 4 Things Your Content Must Have :

Now there are four things without which your content would be incomplete. All content marketing strategies emphasize on the importance of these four things – experience, creativity, insights and mindset….

First, you need to have a sound knowledge of the current market, the audience, their problems, what they require and so on and so forth.

Second, you need to show how creative you are and put thought into your content. You can also add visual components to make it appealing.

Third, you need to have an insight into how to solve your customers’ problems, it is the approach that matters.

Fourth, you must have the right attitude. You should be eager to try out new techniques, if you fail, you must be ready to learn from your mistakes and move on.

#5. Use Effective Formulas of Marketing :

Marketing experts have come up with formulas that have been proven to increase leads. Many of these formulas apply to any kind of marketing, and research has shown that if you incorporate these into your content marketing strategies, you will significantly increase traffic to your website.

The Inverted Pyramid is one such strategy. According to this, you need to organize your content in order of decreasing importance…

First, you must mention the purpose and the basic function of your content in the first few paragraphs. That way, your audience knows exactly what you’re talking about and if they find it interesting, they’ll continue to read it.

#6. Understand Your Audience :

Understand Your Audience while doing content marketing

This is the most important aspect of marketing and content marketing techniques are based on this.

Who are you writing for?

Who is your content targeted at?

Now you might think that it is a competitive business, and that you should strive to please everyone to generate more leads.

But the reality is, you end up generating unqualified and unnecessary leads which could give your sales team a hard time.

Good web content will not just get you leads, but will get you the right ones, so that your time isn’t wasted in talking to all the wrong leads. You cannot come up with a content marketing strategy without deciding your target audience beforehand.

#7. The AIDA Model :

If you have the faintest idea of what marketing is all about, you’ll know about the AIDA model. It stands for Attention Interest Desire Action.

First, you need to grab your audience’s attention with an eyeball grabbing marketing message.

Next, you need to invoke their interest in your product by giving them unusual information. Do not go for the conventional messages or lingo that has been used already.

Then, present a problem that your prospective customer didn’t even know they had answer their question \”Why do I need it?\”. With that, you\’ve triggered the desire in their hearts to get their hands on your product.

Now that you\’ve got their interest, they\’re already drawn in, all you have to do is tell them what step to take next. This is one of the most effective content marketing strategies in the market, it takes into consideration the clients\’ psychology and manipulates it to your advantage.

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#8. Discuss Human Benefits :

Have you gone through the websites of your competitors?

Study them in detail and come up with something that they don’t have. There are a lot of things you need to discuss in your content. But how you position them is important. Effective content marketing strategies would place the personal benefits first.

When your clients are reading your content, they\’re likely to ask how it’ll benefit them personally, especially since people are usually concerned with only themselves. Chalk out each and every feature of your product and list the benefits.

Every small benefit must be accounted for, even if it means writing just a couple of lines on them. This should be enough to generate more leads than competitor websites.

#9. Tell a Story :

When people are browsing on the net, they\’re likely to be bored and just looking for a break. Your content need only be attention grabbing, it also needs to tell a fascinating story.

The truth is, we are all looking for companionship and want to be able to come across people we can relate to. Add a personal touch to your content, tell them how you were in a similar position and how your company can help them overcome that problem.

These are all content marketing practices for moulding the reader to suit you needs. A touch of empathy is going to make your ad or marketing message all the more irresistible.

If they come across a message and a bulb goes off in their head saying, “hey, that’s exactly what I\’m going through!”, they are likely to visit your web page to find out more about you.

So you see how an insight into how the human mind works goes a long way in generating more leads?

#10. Point Out a Problem, Provide a Solution :

Give a solution to the problem while doing content marketing

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This is something most marketing experts forget to do.

It\’s a well kept secret in the marketing world that the only way to generate more leads to the concerned website is by pointing out a problem, and providing a solution. It is almost like a mathematical formula, and once you grasp the key concept behind it, no one can stop you from succeeding as far as content marketing goes…

First, you need to identify your target audience as mentioned above. Once you have done that, you need to identify and analyse the problem faced by this target audience. Get a marketing team on it, if you haven’t already…

Then, describe the problem from the very roots, highlight the gory details and target the emotions of your audience. Emotional touch in content marketing is always appreciated. The next part is crucial, you have to make your customers feel like you understand them and their pain and agony. Once you convince them that you do, present them with a solution that will blow their minds away.

So now you know the little secrets that can make a content marketing strategy even more effective. The key to understanding content marketing and how it works towards generating more leads is by studying the basics of human psychology.

The biggest trick in content marketing guidebook is to get an idea of how the human mind works , you need to understand what will appeal to your target audience and what can turn them off. A strategy aimed at teenagers cannot be formal or boring for obvious reasons!

Even if you don’t have an idea, just place yourselves in your customers’ shoes.

What would you do in their position?..

Thinking from their point of view, is the best way to understand your prospective clients’ problems, enabling you to come up with better solutions. Equipped with these powerful marketing strategies, you’re now ready to make a mark in the field of content marketing.

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