Top Google AdWords Display Ads Sizes For Yielding (The Best Results)

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Banner advertising has been on the scene for years and has been in use both in the offline and online mode.

When we speak about banner ad networking, the first name that comes to our mind is the Adwords Display banners.

If you are associated with the world of online advertising, it is necessary to have an idea regarding the Adwords ads sizes that you must target for yielding the best result from the campaign.

The idea is to make them appear in a right way for delivering the essence of the ad to the masses: hence needs appropriate placement and sizing.

Why Use Google Display Ads?

Conventional marketing often focused on banner advertising because these are attention-grabbing.

Even the online marketing stresses on the same because it has the potential to reach maximum people in the shortest possible time.

If the Adwords image Ad size is right, it can create a better impact and can encourage more visitors to click on it.

My experience of years in the field of digital marketing has made me realized that the internet is a competitive place, yet offer better solutions for growth. Interacting with one’s target audience through effective banner advertising open more doors of success and justifies the use of Google Display Ads.

Here I share with you all the sizes of Google Display Ads that can be shrewdly used in one’s marketing campaign.

970 x 90 PPC Ad Sizes
Leaderboard AdWords Ad Size 728x90
Small Banner Adword Ad Size 468x60
Mobile Banner Adword Ad Size 320x50
Youtube Banner AdWord Ad Size 336x280
Square AdWord Ad Size 250x250
Half-Page Google Adword AD Size 300 x 600
Pay Per Click Ads Size 300 x 250
Small Square AdWords Ad Size 200x200
Wide Skyscraper Adwords Ad Size 160x600

How to Make Eye-Catching Google Display Ads Banner?

  • Use cool color theme – We all know that colors have a special place in everyone’s heart. An image with dull colors may not be able to create the desired effect. You need to make a careful selection of the colors for it to turn out outstanding. Suppose your target audience are kids then you must focus on brighter and complementing hues for it to leave the desired impact. Apart from your target audience, the color selection must also be made by keeping in mind the essence of the product. It should match that too. Careful analysis of colors with right Adwords display networks ads sizes is the trick to win the game.


  • Use nice fonts – You must be thinking that how come the usage of fonts can have an impact on the Display advertising strategy but believe me, it is one of the most critical factors that count. Imagine a banner with tiny and light colored fonts. Indeed! It becomes difficult to read and also is not able to grab the attention of the multitude. I recommend the usage of big and brightly colored fonts for the tagline that is attention catching at the same time. The other message in the banner apart from slogan must also be well-written and must have the ability to seek the attention of the people. Bold font is always favored.

    Focus on the Google Adwords Display ads sizes you are targeting and then make a selection of the font accordingly to let it come out well. Also, remember that the selection of the font must be so carefully done that it must also do justice to the mobile ad sizes.


  • Put some call to action – Here comes the main player of the game. Yes! You got it right. You cannot go ahead with your campaign if you do not have a call to action. Call to action means a message that you want to convey to your target audience. The message should be unique and relevant and at the same time convincing enough for the audience to reach you. So think about it before you launch your campaign. It’s not only the Adwords display ads size that matters, but also your tagline that works. You cannot overlook it though.


  • Include your Company’s logo – The logo of your company is the identity of the business. Without its inclusion, your efforts definitely get wasted. Make it a point to include it in the banner, and place it somewhere that can attract the attention of the visitors well. Most of the companies target the center area of the page on the top of it. It is a foolproof way to inform people about the company’s personality. Again the logo of the company must complement the Google Adwords image ads size.


  • Use HD images in banner ads – Last, but not the least, HD images in banners play a significant role in highlighting the value of the same. So make sure that the pictures should be clear, bright, lively, relevant, and of high density.  

Adwords size display ads play a significant role in accentuating the worth of the banner. So play it right! You may also enrol for an online Adwords course to develop a better understanding for Adwords tricks and tips.

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