How to Get More Conversions on Google Adwords

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Every SEM (Search Engine Marketing) Expert is familiar with Google Adwords.

As a digital marketer, I am running Google Adwords campaign from last 5 years for some small and big companies in India and help them to improve leads for their businesses and services.

Initially, I did lots of mistakes while running Adwords campaign.

From them, I learned that which strategy will work well or not to boost conversions with PPC advertising.

Today I will show you how I collected my first 1000 Conversions from Adwords Account for my own e-Commerce site name : “” at minimum cost.

 I am sharing the screenshots of my campaigns. Below you can see how I earned 1,645 Conversions for till October 2016

how to get more conversions on adwords
  • Total Clicks are: – 45,376
  • Total Conversions :- 1645.00
  • The Cost/Conversion is Rs.142.64
  • Average Cost per Click is Rs.5.18

​So, you want to know how I did that…Let’s start.

13 Techniques To Increase Conversion Rate With PPC Campaigns



Use Conversion Tracking

As a digital marketer trainer lot of Pay Per Click professionals has opted for the SEM classes in Delhi, there is one common issue which I had experienced that they don’t know:

  • What is conversion tracking?
  • How to get conversion code from Google Adwords?
  • What is the right place to put that code on your site or page?

Before making campaigns you have to put the conversion codes on your thank you page, signup page etc. In order to track the conversion keywords easily.

PPC Beginners don’t use this Conversion codes.

This is the biggest mistake If you don’t know which keywords are performing good and which are not then how can you manage campaigns in future.


Optimize Your Landing Page With Targeting Keyword

All SEO Professionals know very well where to put the targeted keywords while optimizing the page.

I had put my target and related keywords in page meta title tags, meta description, H1 title and product description.

I am sharing one example with you…

See my target keyword is “Sony VAIO Laptop Battery”

  • I had targeted the related keyword in Page Meta Title
  • Meta Description with the same keyword
  • Related keyword in H1 and H2 title
how to increase conversions with ppc campaign

boost conversion rate with pay per click campaign


Structure Your Campaign

This is one of the important points to keep in your mind while making new campaigns

I am sharing an example of Good structure campaign

Example :-

structure your campaign

Image Source :-


Keep Testing Your Ads

Keep experiment with your ads, write new ad copies, description, and call to actions.

It improves the CTR (Click through rate) which help to boost the keyword quality score and conversions to your business.

If you will able to improve quality score of your target keyword then the (CPC) Cost Per Click will be down.


Use Long Tail Keywords

Most of the bloggers and SEO professionals know the value of Long tail keywords. Keyword researching is an important part while optimizing your page for Search engine optimization.

A sentence consisting a group of 3 or 4 keywords known as long-tail-keyword.

These keywords have low competition with low bid and high conversion rate.

If you’re able to make a list of long tail keywords then you can get more leads from AdWords at very low CPC.

Let me show you an example :

adwords conversions image 8


Make At Least 1 Campaign With Branded Keywords

As a worked with top brands I made one campaign for company name .

Like I had made a campaign for my own eCommerce brand with following keywords

I am sharing the screenshot of my all branded keywords and campaign report with you

How I earn 96 conversions at Rs.32 CPA Cost with branded keywords.

improve leads with adwords campaign


Continue Your Campaign With Working Keywords

  • After creating a campaign, Give at least 3 to 4 weeks to make the history of conversions, keywords clicks, impression, Ad reports etc. After the refine your campaign with working and conversion keyword.
  • Remove Low quality score keywords.
  • Remove Keywords which have 0 conversions after getting 50 clicks.
  • If the ad of your campaign has below 5% CTR then pause that ad and make a new ad.


Add Negative Keywords Every Week

​By Clicking Search term history you can find which keywords are not relevant to your business.

Like I am selling – Sony Vaio laptop batteries.

Terms :- FREE, Not starting, Repair, Warranty, not charging, how to use etc these are all negative to my this above campaign.

So, I add irrelevant keywords in (Negative keywords tab). It improves your Adwords account health, Also save your budget.

optimize adwords for conversions


Improve Your Ad Position

As my experience, The top 3 ad positions works better than 4th and 5th position.

If you are willing to double your AdWords conversions then improve your ad position by improving keyword quality score and increasing bidding.


Try To Improve CTR Click Through Rate

We all know If we improve the CTR Rate (means Ad Clicks) then the conversion rate will automatically improve day by day.

Want to know more about CTR then see my last post:- How to Improve Click Through Rate on Adwords


Choose “Optimise For Conversion” in Ad Delivery  Option

​While making PPC campaigns for your service or products choose \”Optimize for conversion: Show ads expected to provide more conversions\” Option from Ad Delivery : Ad Rotation, frequency, capping. 

choose optimize for conversion option in Ad delivery

If you check this option then your ads will receive more leads and calls rather then more clicks. It will help to improve ROI


Run Remarketing Campaign

Remarketing means retargeted your visitors who visited your site. When your readers and customers leave your blog or page without any conversion or leads.

Then re-marketing campaign will help you to reconnect /follow them by showing creative display banners ads, video ads, text ads etc across their smartphones, pads, desktops, laptops etc.

If you have a good email list of your customers, then you can target them and sell your product or services easily.


Run Video Remarketing Campaign on Youtube

As I mentioned in the last point you can run a remarketing campaign and enhance your conversions on Adwords. Video remarketing is much better than other campaigns. You can retarget your audience on Youtube and other news channels with minimum CPV (Cost Per View).

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