How To Promote Your Blog on Social Media ?

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How To Promote Your Blog on Social Media ?

You have setup your blog, done a lot of research and published a high-quality article, but still, you are not getting enough traffic to your blog?

We always read that content is king, but even after writing a useful article it’s kind of tough to get traffic because of lack of blog promotion.

Today I am going to give you 7 tips to promoting a blog on social media.

1. Riveting Content:

First thing is to decide which article you want to share. If you think that the blog you want to promote is of high quality then you can promote it more than once, but not on the same day. You can repost such article twice in a month or perhaps twice in two months.

If you are market your blog that is related to any current affair or technology news, then you need to promote it as soon as possible when the topic is trending because if you post it next day or after a few days then you won’t be able to attract targeted traffic because it will be an old news.

Make sure you mostly promote content which is useful for your readers so that you can get more shares and like as no one like to read/share boring or not-so-useful content.

2. Title and Visuals:

Whenever we open any of our social media profile, it is filled with a lot of feeds and it’s not possible to read each and every post thus we only read the once that we find interesting.

So what makes a post interesting?

The one with attractive title and visuals. There is a huge possibility that the topic you are sharing might be shared by other people also so you need to make sure that you provide an attractive title and description to your article. Another thing that attracts readers is related visuals because picture/videos are easier to remember and understand than reading. So visuals always attract an audience and it increase chances to get more likes and shares.

3. Proper Hashtags:

ways to promote your blog

If you hashtag properly while promoting using Twitter/Facebook and Google+, this can ensure that the targeted audience gets attracted to your article, but make sure you use the hashtag that is appropriate and is related to your article.

Wrong hashtag and you will lose readers. So make sure you use hashtags with keywords relevant to your post and add them to your updates on Twitter/Facebook and Google+.

4. Share on Right Time:

It is very important to share your article in social media at right time, I usually do it at a time when the people would usually active or online, you can find out which social media peaks at what time, there are online tools for that which gives you stats about when more people are active and gives you more shares and likes,

Something like Facebook insight. You can also do self-analysing that when you get most likes and share and drive traffic to your blog.

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4. Frequency:

increase blog traffic through social media

Just like we make sure that we maintain frequency while publishing article or blog, the same way we need to keep updating/sharing posts on social sites with a specific frequency that way your followers expects updates from you.

Never post two article in one week and then no show for two weeks, make sure to share the post at consistent frequency, if required you can use scheduling tools which will help to schedule the posts in advance even if you are busy with other work, but make sure you don’t fill others feed with a lots of useless updates in a day this will repel many followers and they might unfollow you.

5. Include Social Media Buttons in Your Blog:

It’s very important to have social media links in your blog in order to make sure people who are reading your articles can quickly share it if they like the article, and it is very important to place them perfectly on your blog so that the reader can easily locate within article and don’t have to navigate to share the article. like this :


Another thing to remember is not to overcrowd the use social media button and make sure to use it judiciously.

6. Join and Share on Social Communities:

best ways to promote website on social networks

You can join various social communities like LinkedIn Groups and Google+ Communities, you can join group or community that is the same niche as that of your blog. This will allow your blog to be shared with the like-minded people.

When you will share your post on such groups, you will get more likes and reshares. Same way you can share other bloggers posts and thus the reader base will increase gradually. Once you start interacting and sharing posts with others, you might start with quality guests posting on other’s blog which gives you huge targeted traffic and followers.

Advertise blog post on social media might seem time-taking task, but once you are addicted to it, it becomes fun and interesting to share new things, get comments, interacting with followers and other bloggers. Social media have many benefits if used effectively. So why don’t you share tips to promoting your blog post?

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