How to Control and Reduce the Website Bounce Rate?

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Many of us are heading towards the rage of online business, but the concept of bounce rate is alien to a lot of us. Apart from it, another thing to know about it is that for your site to perform well, it is necessary to reduce website bounce rate.

Especially, when the year is 2018, you have to be very shrewd to keep up with the pace of online marketing as already there are so many digital marketing geeks out there. So a good knowledge of the subject is necessary to influence the bounce rate of a site.

For a better understanding, let’s start from the scratch. When I say scratch, I mean to discuss what bounce rate actually means and its importance in the online world.

How Do I decrease Website Bounce Rate

What is Bounce Rate? How do I reduce site bounce rate?

Let’s simplify its definition by an example.  Bounce is a visit to a website without the engagement of the reader. It is a single page visit of a visitor without any initiative by him/her to visit another page of a website.

So it becomes a bouncer as it is not able to convert the visit to a lead.

Hence, it is vital to reduce bounce rate. Lower the bounce rate, better is the performance and vice-versa.

0%-40% is considered a healthy bounce rate; hence, following the appropriate ways to manage it is the key to improve your blog bounce rate.

Steps to Decrease Your Website’s Bounce Rate

Control Page Loading Speed – 

If the website’s page takes time to load, it automatically creates disinterest among the visitors.

Every visitor like halting to a site that loads fast and provides relevant information. 

Even if you provide quality information and services through your web page, your page’s loading speed can change the game.

So have a regular check on it. Google Page speed is a one of my favorite tool from where you can test your pages speed.

Avoid Pop-up Ads and Banners –

How to reduce bounce rate?” If this is the question of concern inhibiting your mind, you need to understand what are the things that can affect the same.

None of us likes disturbances when doing some critical work. It hampers concentration and productivity.

In the same way, when a person stops by a web page, pop-up ads and banners work as a disturbing element and redirects a person to another related website.

Hence, pop-up ads and banners = high bounce rate.

So mind you, your website’s performance is susceptible to your visitor’s behaviour. So you have to be smart enough to control user interaction according to your need.

Write Great Content –

We all know that content is the king of the online world. Users like browsing a website that offers high-quality and realistic information.

Filler content leaves a negative impact on the mind of the users and encourages them to exit from a web page. Your content should be upto the expectations of the users, what we often say is incredible.

Good content is determined by the high-quality of information, a language that is easy to understand, having a good reading flow, appropriate sentence fragment and error-free usage of grammar.

To reduce bounce rate, you need to have an engaging content in your website.

Structure Your Content –

A content without an impressive structure can never be appealing. I remember it well that as a beginner my website was not getting visibility because of its high bounce rate. I was clueless until my SEO team informed me about the structure bug in my content.

Hence, I realised a critical thing about online marketing is that as a visitor, even I might not have enjoyed reading such a blunt material.

The thing that I want to share with my personal experience is that you need to create engaging content for improving bounce rate.

Bullets, sub-headings, images, all these features have different roles to play and when we make use of these features, we can differentiate between a write-up that is either normal or extraordinary.

Let images be in the right place, make use of relevant videos on the content and play with every aspect of your creativity. It will work in a preferred direction for sure.

Use Nice Visuals –

Not to mention that visual effect is always everlasting.

So if we do not work on the aesthetics of the website, it may not be able to leave the coveted impression on the minds of the visitors.

Work on the visual graphics of the site to make it appealing so that the users stop-by to read your content and get engaged more often. 

Here I share one of my favorite site PixaBay from where you can download High-Definition Images.

Interlink Your Best Blogs –

Well, interlinking of blogs is necessary for keeping the readers engaged. The more you link, the higher traffic gets connected to your website and further encourage engagement.

Here is a small example. If 100 people visit your site and out of those 100 even if 5 of them engage themselves with the content, this leads to a decrease blog bounce rate.

If your content is interesting with lots of internal links, then possibly the customer will click on any of those links for browsing further updates. This will indeed result in a better online performance of a blog. Wikipedia is the best example of internal linking.

Remember, the bounce rate of your site indicates the visitor’s liking for it. Hence, make it sure that the SEO strategies that you are applying are apt so that the needed results can be reaped out of it.

Put Optimum Number of Images If You Run an E-Commerce Store – 

The first thing that attracts the attention of a visitor in an e-commerce site are the images of the products meant for sale.

Make it sure to put about 4-5 pictures of each product for offering clarity to the viewer regarding the same.

Also, it will keep the consumer stuck to the website for long. In that case, 1-3 out of every ten people will initiate the purchase and will turn out to be your potential consumers.

Without a doubt, it will improve site user experience to a great extent. 

Amazon, eBay, Cartcafe & Flipkart are the best examples, you can find that they are using minimum 4 images for every product.

Reduce Promotional Ads – 

Promotional ads are a real menace, especially when you are browsing through important online information.

Please limit such kind of disturbing matter from your website for offering a better browsing experience to the visitors.

Only then, you will be able to let them halt to your page for long. Try this SEO strategy and I bet you guaranteed results.


Compress Your Blog’s Banner Size and Images – 

A lot of us are not aware that images and banners on a website also plays a significant role in this case. Big banners and pictures decrease the loading time of the page resulting in the decrease in the interest of the visitors on the web page.

Ultimately, they tend to switch to other high-speed sites offering the similar kind of services or information. The key is to use smaller images and banners that must not exceed the size of 200 KB.

It is an optimum size that must be maintained for guarding the choicest page loading speed.

Apart from that, you can make use of the softwares like CompressPNG or image resizer for compressing the image to the desired size without hampering the quality of the photo. 

This trick will improve the website’s bounce rate to a great extent.

Make Use of Videos to Beautify Your Content- 

Videos are essential elements that contribute to the user experience of a website.

So if you have a question in mind regarding how to improve bounce rate of a site, videos play an active role in this regard. 

In fact, an informative video not only adds to the knowledge of a person but also adds to the aesthetics of a website.

It is a foolproof strategy to keep the readers glued to your page for long. Make sure to add value to your site by posting videos that have a relevant and quality information.

Hire Digital Marketing Company – 

A website can only do well when it’s SEO is upto the mark. If you are planning to do it on your own, you may miss a few of the important aspects that a digital marketing company never overlooks. 

They are well aware of the existing online marketing strategies and also about the changing trends.

They apply the SEO tricks accordingly and helps the website grow in a right direction. They know it well how to decrease the bounce rate by making use of the white hat SEO for long-lasting results.

Use Professional Themes – 

Often people deny to use professional themes because they are not free to incorporate.

They may not be free to use, but are not that expensive either and are worth considering. The investment involved here is minimal, and the results are fantastic.

These themes are impressive and tend to get better and quicker online visibility because these are very light.

Overall, it is a mixture of a well established professional looking website with a crisp aesthetic appearance that encourages higher visitor engagement. Indeed! A smart choice.

This article is an overview on how do I improve my site bounce rate, and I have made best efforts to cover all the crucial points on my end. If you have some more in your mind, feel free to share on the comment box 🙂

reduce website bounce rate quickly
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