How to Reinstate Your Suspended AdWords Account?

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One of the issues that people often deal with Adwords is the suspension of their accounts. The irony is that many of them are not aware of the policies of Adwords and some of them are clueless about an idea that Google even suspends Adwords account.

To fix Google AdWords suspension is challenging because the team here is not that liberal and you may have to beat on the bushes to convince them.

I am here with this article because I want to guide my fellow readers about the mistakes that they make unknowingly in this regard and get into trouble.

So let’s discuss some of the reasons behind Adwords account suspension.

Fix Google AdWords Account


Why is my Google Account Suspended?

I am sure this might be a question in your mind if you are one of the victims of circumstances.

Let me inform you then, why this happened to you!

  • If your website does not adhere to Google’s policies, you indeed will not get spared. Not complying with their policies may involve the inclusion of malicious ads, gambling content, pornography, copyrighted material, misleading information or anything else that Google may not entertain in a site.
  • Your advertising plan is wholly dedicated to traffic generation, overlooking the aspects of good user experience where providing useful content to the visitors is necessary.
  • Misleading ads are something that your site contains. When I say misleading, it means propagation of the service through your website that is not true about your business. Let me share an example for a better understanding. Suppose you own a business and advertise to the people that your product is worth $20, but you are charging $60 for the same by adding hidden expenses to it. Beware! For you may get into trouble for doing false advertising because If once the team of Google Adwords account suspends your account, your business gets jeopardized.
  • Are you doing cloaking? Please avoid this strategy for keeping your Adwords account safe.
  • Many of you out there make use of multiple accounts for the same business. It is again not acceptable to Google King.
  • You have multiple Adwords Accounts, and you are making use of the same billing details.
  • You are violating the policies repeatedly.
  • Having issues with Trademarks.
  • Your site is selling services or products that are illegal.
  • Sharing ones account with other people.
  • Your Adwords account is very close to the one that was already suspended in the past.
  • There are differences in Destination URL and the Display URL..
  • Access to your site is unauthorized.
  • You didn\’t about us and website disclaimer pages on your site.
  • Your website misses on the terms of service and its privacy policy. Though it may not always happen, can sometimes be a reason behind the same.

The above reasons are the practical ones that may result in your Google account suspension, but at times, Google team suspends it by mistake also.

Whatever may be the reason behind the same,  but the concern of a marketer is always to get it reinstated. It may be a bit tricky, but certainly not impossible.

Let’s discuss in details about the solutions that may come to your rescue.

Adwords Account Suspended Solutions

1. Fix Your AdWords Account

When Google suspends an Adwords account, the biggest mistake that people do is they open another account instead of getting their previous account fixed.

This act further results into the banning of the new account also as suspension of the Adwords account also results into the suspension of the site, billing information as well as the IP address from which the account was created.

Thus, every time you create a new account, it will get banned, and Google can even ban it forever for continually making efforts on opening a new one. Hence, it is essential to find out the reason behind the ban and also to find out how to unsuspend Google account.

Just go through the entire strategy to find out the ways to re-submit it for review and get it fixed.

2. Ask Google AdWords Support

This is the move that every suspended Adwords account holder must make.

Talk to a member of the support team for assistance, and they will guide you best on the concerned matter.

File an appeal before them to unsuspend your PPC account either through an email, or you can also call them.

Google responds back within 3-5 business days. But, in case, if you do not hear from them within a week’s time, catch them through online chat for information regarding your account.

You can also email them, but refrain doing it again and again as they can block you forever for such conduct of yours.

There are a few things to note down here:

  • The first thing to remember is that your approach should be professional and you must make them realize that your business is very important for you and only the Adwords team can understand your real situation.
  • Inform them about the policies that you violated unknowingly, due to which your account got suspended. Also, let them know that you have already rectified the issues and is looking forward to starting with the account activity as soon as possible.
  • Also, ask them about the other changes that need to be initiated on your end and the precautions that you must take to avoid suspension notices in the future.

3. Find Google AdWords Employee From Facebook

Facebook is the king of social media and can become a great source of help when you get trapped in such kind of a situation.

You can search for Google Adwords employee here and connect with them.

Speak to them about getting the best advice. 

Indeed! They are the best people who will guide you in a right direction and will help you to get it fixed as soon as possible.

4. Hire PPC Expert

If you have no clue regarding how to fix AdWords suspended account, you can hire a PPC expert to do the same for you.

PPC experts are certified professionals who know their job well and can help you with fixing the issue.

They will do the complete analysis of your account and will look for the source of the problem. Then they will take adequate measures to reach a solution.

They are the best people to connect with at such a time because they have years of knowledge and practice in this regard and can handle the process smoothly.

5. Fix the Ads that have been Disapproved

Yes! It is needed for a quick fix. Don\’t use adult content, trademarks term, inappropriate content, capitalisation & symbols in your ads. Check the link to know more about ad disapprovals.


Google’s Terms and Policies are straightforward and sometimes rigid also. Only a certified PPC expert who has done a Certified Adwords course from a renowned institute can shrewdly handle the issue and can provide the best answer to your question, why Google suspended my Adwords account?

fix google ads suspension

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