How Does Social Media Increase Brand Awareness ?

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Social media has made online marketing easier than earlier, only if done effectively. With the help of so many social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. you can easily promote your product/services to the whole world within seconds.

Social media is also useful for the SEO Rank of your website because many search engines include social-media results on their front-page and thus you get a targeted audience for your business and thus organic revisiting traffic on your website.

But, as I mentioned that you need to promote your brand effectively on social media because if you are not doing it right, then there are thousands of competitions for you and you will lack behind in getting followers or promoting your brand. Thus, Below are…

5 Working Tips To Boost Brand Awareness Via Social Media

#1. Selecting Right Network :

For branding on social media, you need to understand who are your target audience ?

There are many social websites and different people use different social networks.

That’s why you need to know which social networking platform is useful for your branding and how you can attract customers for your product/services.

For example, if you are having any e-commerce website and want to promote pictures of products, then Instagram, Facebook are good options. Same way if you are manufacturing a product, then you can provide a review of your product or even a few videos about the services you provide on YouTube.

Everyone likes to watch reviews before getting any product or services thus there are chances that your video get viral and reach targeted audience.

#2. Attractive Profile :

Make attractive social media profile for branding

Once you have selected which social networks you need to have target then next comes to have good online impression and for that it’s important to have an attractive social network profile for your brand.

When you meet someone for the first time then they are impressed by your personality, but virtually it’s not possible, here your profile says all about you and your brand. Thus, it’s important that you create a profile which suits and provide all information about your brand  or business.

A few things to be taken care of while creating online profiles like, having the same profile picture (a logo) for all social network platforms so that people following you would be able to relate your brand on all social networks, if you will keep changing profile picture or logo, then it would be hard to remember your brand as well as it will look unprofessional.

Make sure that you don’t miss any of the important details while creating your profile on social networks like your personal details, your service details and how it is going to help your customers or targeted audiences. People will only like your profile if they can relate with your profile and know that there is a genuine person working hard for his online presence.

#3. Frequency :

frequency of post on social media networks

Next you need to understand about the frequency of the updates for proper branding. People will only remember you if you are active online, but you should always remember that you not irritating or repelling your followers with too many updates at once and that too irrelevant or silly.

You need to decide how many updates are required per day and make sure that those updates are useful and related to your business. Like weekends, not many people are online so you can post less updates while on weekdays you can post more updates.

It’s important to maintain frequency on all selected social networks together and for this you need to plan accordingly. There are a few online tools available which helps you to schedule content to update on social sites at specific time, such tools are must for everyone who are willing to promote their brand awareness with social sites.

#4. Adding Pictures :

As I mentioned above that it is important to post useful updates on social sites so that your followers are not repelled with irrelevant or boring updates. To make your updates more interesting it’s important that you add images or videos to it. Images say a thousand words and are also easy to remember as compared to text.

You might have noticed that many big brands often update on social media with related images of their business that is easy to read, remember and that’s why gets more likes. Many social websites like Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter allows you to share images and videos, so why not to use it to make your updates viral.

#5. Build Community :

build community while increasing brand awareness on social media

For successful branding on social media, just posting updates is not enough. You need to connect to your audiences and build a community. By building an online community you get benefit like more sharing, more likes and more targeted audience.

For connecting with your followers/likers, you need to reply to their comments, messages or even like the posts which they share from your profile. You can also ask opinions about your product/new campaign from your followers and get start a conversation.

Another thing you can do is to post quick quizzes or contest and offer prize to winner, this is one of the best ways to engage your followers and when they will engage or share your post, then obviously you will get more likes from their friends too.

You need to be creative with your social networking updates so that more and more followers like to contribute in and connect with you.

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