Common SEO Mistakes

Table of Contents

On-page and Off-Page SEO are the two hardest jobs in web optimization. Without it, Google will not give any value to your website. I have seen, many webmasters have some issues while doing optimization work. Here, I help you to avoid the most common SEO mistakes.

If you’re planning to launch a new website, then this guide will save you from irrelevant search engine optimization mistakes which will ruin your (SEO) campaign. If you already have a blog and waiting for the benefits, then you can follow these steps too.

Believe me, I have worked with some Indian e-commerce websites and helped them to enhance their ranking on Google with some quality backlinks. But after a few months, they got penalized from Google.

You know why?

Because I didn’t optimize those websites with Google-approved SEO guidelines.

“I don’t make these mistakes again!”

Now, I don’t look for backlinks until I am done with on-page SEO and 100% confident about that work.

If you had made these shameful Optimization mistakes which I will show you in this article, then you have a chance to get your web page to disappear from the search engine result page.

Don’t be afraid, I am just trying to tell you the power of Right SEO….

I am writing this post for these 2 reasons –

(First) I want to protect your website from Google Panda.

(Second) If Google loves your website then you will rank on search engines easily, which brings more leads and conversions to your business.

First We Discuss Top 12 On-Page Mistakes Done By SEO Beginners.

The most common issues in on-page search engine optimization which I have found working on many small and big projects are:-

Content is not fresh

Million of websites in the market, thousand of them are fresh, others have duplicate content in large form. Their product pages, categories, about us, privacy policy, terms and conditions, etc all pages have duplicate content. Try to give unique and evergreen content to your website which helps Google to find something unique on your website.

  • Solution: Use this Copyscape tool and find duplicate content pages and fix them.

The density of the keywords

If optimized pages of your website are stuffed with keywords then you are putting yourself in a position to get slapped. Try to get only 1% to 2% keywords density page. For instance, If you had 400 words count content on the webpage then the use of keyword targeted must be limit only 4 to 6 times in that content.

Pages with thin content or low value

If you had submitted the pages with thin content means (50 words per page) or the content which have grammatical error and low value to the users, the Search Engine will devalue these kinds of pages and domains.

Duplicate meta tags and missing meta tags issue

Lots of SEO marketers are making the same mistakes of copying the meta title tags, meta descriptions from their competitors and made some changes in that. It is not a good practice, Panda doesn’t like this. Give a unique title to your page and attractive fresh description.
Use meta tags for every single page of your website, It helps to increase CTR when your pages get rank on SERPS.

Now you can see all missing title tags, duplicate tags, long title tags, short title tags, and non-information tags. Fix them all.

Broken links

The websites having a large number of crawling errors (404 not found) or broken links results and force the search engines to think that you don\’t care about your visitors or users. Hence, your pages come down on SERPs.

  • Solution: If you have a WordPress site then use this plugin to fix all of your broken links.

Unrealistic site structure

If the design of your site is not good, having a high bounce rate, lower conversion rate and the structure of the site seem unrealistic then your site pages will be harder to rank on the search engines.

Design your website from good developers which give a professional look with attractive colors, creative content, and mobile responsive.

Page speed

If your home page or internal pages are taking too much time to open, It creates bad user experience and the Google robots consider this when taking your site.
Use this Google Page Speed tool and fix the issues

Too much use of heading tags

Many SEO professionals use more than H1 and H2 tags in the post with rich-anchor text. It is a bad idea while doing optimization. Use Heading 1 and heading 2 tags only once with relevant keyword ideas not more than that.

Missing image ALT tags

Use your main keyword in Images Alt Tags, Search engine has no idea what your image is about. They can understand the code, they don’t see your beautiful photography.

Indexed too many pages

If your pages have quality content which is useful for users then try to index them only. Don’t index thin content pages or unusual pages like privacy terms and conditions, signup, register, etc.

Ignoring trust signals

Don’t Ignore trust signals such as about us, privacy policy, contact information, disclaimer, terms, and conditions pages. If you didn’t create these then create them today. Google looks for these trust signals smartly.

Ignoring internal links

A lot of webmasters optimize their site successfully but some of them ignoring Internal linking as per Google guideline. we have to interlinks all content with relevant keywords.

As you see the list of on-page SEO mistakes and issues in the above lines. After fixing these on-page issues it points to give the best user experience and crawler.

Mistakes in SEO

Keep reading, Now we will discuss top Off Page website optimization mistakes.

Buy backlinks

The repercussion of purchasing or acquiring a backlink from other professional portals having low domain authority or (page authority) can be troublesome or even get penalized from Google. So, try to make high-quality backlinks for a site that seems natural.

Ignoring social media 

To build a trust flow with leading search engines one must promote its content pages on social networking sites. Ignoring social media can take you backward and causes trouble in frequent indexing of your website. So, try to be active on social media and share your site content in a routine.

It also fetches you do-follow or no-follow links, which can play a vital role in branding and page ranking.

Comment spamming

Commenting on a blog or article for the generation of backlinks must be done by keeping in mind the niche of your website. For example, one must not comment about electronic gadgets on a post related to food.

Forum posting spamming

Forum postings such as Yahoo forum where people used to answer the queries of other people, sometimes they reply correct but provide links of some irrelevant page or product. So, no spam posting to forums should be made.

Using Rich-anchor text in excess 

Usage of rich anchor text in excess notifies the search engines robots about the unnatural link formation in the blog or article.

  • Solution:- Try to use various anchor texts like:-
  • (Generic anchor text – click here, read more, buy now, visit us)
  • (Branded anchor text:, Dsdm India, to avoid SEO mistakes.

Try to target the minimum percentage of Exact Match and a Maximum number of generic, LSI, and branded anchor texts.
(20% Exact Match and 80% LSI, Branded, Generic Match)

SEO classes in delhi

Ignoring guest posting

Guest postings on other blogging websites can fetch you good backlinks and do-follow links. Ignoring this is a bad idea and one of the biggest SEO mistakes.

Getting backlinks from spammy sites

The creation of backlinks is of as much importance as that of getting good quality backlinks. So try to get these links from portals having high domain authority etc. than from the spammy sites such as porn sites, irrelevant with a different niche.

Ignoring blogs and article submissions

People doing SEO of their web portals and giving importance to only on-page techniques can be left far behind as they ignore off-page methods like blogs or article submission. Try maintaining a schedule of these submissions once or twice a week to get rid of these optimization errors.

Submit the site in bad directories

Submission in Google banned or penalized website directories most of which are paid can lead you to suffer the same, whereas good directories like DMOZ can fetch you good backlinks and raise trust flow.


Don’t Ignore video marketing

Video has a more influencing impact on the user’s mind and that too for a long time, hence we suggest you never ignore video marketing in order to create the brand image of your product or service offered. Videos can get you links, conversions, more sign-ups, and create a positive brand image of your website.

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