Top 13 Trending Social Media Marketing Tools You Must Try.

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The buzz for social media is evident in today’s time. I think the scope offered to the brands for marketing their product online is the primary reason behind its growth.

While every new day is a novel challenge in the world of online marketing, social media has made things easier.

Especially, the different kinds of social media marketing tools have offered a better purview for reaching one’s target audience in a more convincing form.

Undeniably! With these tools, the marketers’ ability to engage with their audience in a creative way gets enhanced.

So why not have a brief discussion on a few of these super tools and get to learn about a few more of them to recharge your marketing efforts with improved performance.

top social media marketing tools

Why Do We Need Social Media Tools?

Social media involves the promotion of products, brands, and services and it should be compelling enough to generate traffic towards one’s website.

Hence, a foolproof strategy is something that keeps you going in this competitive era. 

By making use of a few popular tools for social media, you can revamp the entire plan of action and can launch a successful campaign.

We will discuss in the latter half of the article about a few tools that can change the marketing game for you.

Free and Paid Tools For Social Media Campaigns

Here is my list of social media tools that every Digital Marketer must use for their social media campaigns.


Social media is not only about sharing posts. Unless your posts have that “X FACTOR” in it, its effectiveness gets reduced.

For an engaging post, the graphic design of the content has to be as alluring. Edition of images for creating stunning designs is an add-on to the aesthetics of the material. 

You can make use of Canva, a popular social media campaign tool that comprises of multiple fonts, colors, and templates for the creation of the attractive graphic design.

If you are a non-designer, you will consider yourself lucky to get through it. It has a user-friendly interface, and you can experiment by merely dragging and dropping the image elements in the desired place. 

In spite of so many tempting offerings for the users, it is free to use. Isn’t it cool?  


It is a community of creative people who share copyright free videos and images here, and people can use that media freely.Hence, Pixabay becomes my favorite tool for several reasons. Firstly, it can be used for free and secondly, you can find many relevant images here related to your blog.As Pixabay’s images are original ones having no copyrights; hence, can be used by the bloggers without the fear of getting penalized by the Google.You can further edit these images or use them the way they are. Though there are sponsored images too, that cannot be used for free. Please do not misinterpret free photos here as of low-quality.

In spite of being free, these are as good as the sponsored ones. Overall! One of the best social media tools to explore.


It is a social media marketing software designed to manage multiple social network sites in a single instance.

With the help of hootsuite, you can schedule posts for multiple profiles comprising of your Facebook account, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and a lot more.It’s very simple! Connect your profiles once, and your job is done.

Every time you do postings for these social network sites,

you don’t need to login to all these accounts. Hootsuite will do the job for you. Isn’t it great?


Being a Hootsuite’s twin brother, this is one of the top tools for social media works.

Its simple interface along with the ease associated with the scheduling of social media posts makes it a favorite tool for the online marketers. 

Like Hootsuite, it offers you the liberty to share content over multiple networks from its central dashboard.Its Chrome extension makes content sharing even easier on multiple social networking sites simultaneously.


Buzzsumo is one among the supergroup of free social media tools. It is a powerpack tool, for it has a feature that helps the user to find out about the popular content online through a keyword or a topic.

You don’t need to research it, as this tool can guide you well in this matter. No more time waste now, as you know what content will work for you.


I prefer this tool on an everyday basis for a special reason. The reason is pretty simple! It allows me to compress the images from its original size.

Often the images that we create on Canva or Pablo are heavy and takes time to load. By making use of CompressPNG, these graphics can be minimized without hampering its quality.

That is what I love about this social media optimization tool.


Like many other platforms, even this can be integrated with multiple social media networks and allows the users to schedule content and access analytics, all from a single platform.

It can also be used by Vice, Soulcycle, and Dropbox. 


Want to know what people are speaking about your brand, your product, you, or any other product or topics that are going viral? Social Mention will do it for you. In short, it is a social search engine that crawls through user-generated content such as bookmarks, blogs, events, comments, news, or videos.

It brings everything in a single stream in a more organized way and contains top sites, hashtags, and keywords.

With the help of the user reaction, it measures the reach, response, and sentiments of the people and present before you.


This is a paid tool for social media, though its free service can also be availed. 

I use this tool for managing, growing and cleaning up my Twitter account.

It’s a fantastic tool, but there is a misconception among the people that it is only used as a Tweet scheduler.

If you feel the same, then let me inform you that it offers several sets of other unique features too.

It also provides Twitter analytics and contributes to advanced search technique. For me, it’s a win-win deal, whether you use it for free or buy its premium version.

Pablo By Buffer

Buffer is my favorite tool, and I feel that its sibling Pablo is as efficient. Indeed! Pablo is one of the free web apps by Buffer. It offers similar functions as Canva does.

You can edit images here by adding enticing text and graphics to it and can further share it on your social media account with a single click.

Have you ever heard about Hashtag search engine?

I am sure, a lot of you might be ignorant of the idea. But, it does exist. is an advanced hashtag search engines by Twitter that helps to find out about the best hashtags so that you can reach your target audience as soon as possible.

Try this social media posting tools. It’s free!

This fantastic content curation service automatically shares your content on different social sites. The exciting thing about it is that it converts your content into an impressive newsletter or newspaper. It does so much for you and is a must-have tool for every digital marketer out there.

You can always give a try to this excellent tool that is meant for finding and creating infographics with web-based data of every kind. You don’t require any prior experience with building your infographics here

It is also a search engine for infographics.  It is one among the best social media management tools of the present time.

Twitter Analytics

Twitter analytics allows you to understand how Tweets become more successful over the internet. It gives a complete analysis of one’s account, followers and the community of Twitter as a whole. It is a great tool to measure your social media efforts.

This feature comes with a Twitter account.

Facebook Insight and publishing Tools

We all are well-aware of the rage taken over by Facebook in the recent years. It is undoubtedly the king of social media. And, when we talk about Facebook insight and publishing tools let me tell you, it is all about managing the Facebook marketing aspects.There are a number of these tools that contribute to lead generation and helps one to become a successful marketer


In fact, there are so many paid and free social media marketing softwares out there that you can give a thought to enrolling in a social media marketing course for getting a closer insight into the way these tools work.

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