4 Proven White Hat SEO Practices For Newbie Bloggers

Table of Contents

We all know that we should keep getting targeted traffic to our website and good rank in search engines like Google, Bing , Yahoo, etc. To get genuine visitors, we need to use Google-approved SEO techniques….

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It helps us to obtain higher rank on search engine pages (SERP) which attracts visitors.

What is White Hat Marketing ?

Search engine users don’t go to bottom of the search results and press “next” for getting information, they will generally visit the links which are on the first page.

Search engines have few rules and guidelines for website optimization,

Which, if followed religiously then it can help websites to get higher rank. Such SEO practices are called as White Hat SEO or Ethical SEO.

There are a few other practices which are not ethical and if you follow those short-cuts methods,then your website might get banned, such practices are called Black Hat SEO.

Many newbie bloggers get into confused between White Hat methods and Black Hat work and I hope this article will help you to clear What White Hat SEO is ? and how to use them.

Matt Cutts\’ Lecture – Valuable White Hat SEO Tactics For Bloggers.

How White Hat SEO Can Increase Your Blog Search in 4 Surprising Ways ?


Backlinks is the powerful part of off-page optimization in SEO…

When link is from something other website’s page to your page then it’s called (inbound links) or external backlinks.

>Quality Backlink Profile = More Trust Value = Good Organic Rank

Apart from, we can also classify them in DoFollow and NoFollow links. DoFollow are the links which are acknowledged by search engines.

…That means when someone links to your home page or internal page, If the link is Do-Follow then search engine will crawl and follow that link and give more value to that page to get rank on Google .

Whereas, NoFollow are the links which are not acknowledged by search engines, thus not crawled by them and don’t passes the link juice…

There are many online tools available which will help you to discover (NoFollow and DoFollow) links like Ahref, Majestic SEO etc.

which can make your task easier. Here is an example of No-Follow and Do-Follow link:

By Default all links are (doFollow links), thus is you want to pass link juice you can do it via Anchor Text like:

<a href=”http://www.dsdm.in/”>Delhi School of Digital Marketing</a>

And if you are not interested in passing link juice to other website then use attribute nofollow. The absence of No-Follow attribute is Do-Follow:

<a href=”http://www.dsdm.in/” rel=”nofollow”>Delhi School of Digital Marketing</a>

Backlinks plays an important role in SEO, it takes time to learn about backlinks but once you know the details then in little time you can follow a few basic rules and search engine will start loving your website.

To get good rank, you must remember that a search engine weights more to high quality backlinks to your website.

If you are getting link juices from illegal, porn or spammy websites then your website won’t be getting good ranking, thus you should always avoid choosing for paid backlinks.

It’s important that you get backlinks from relevant/same niche websites, which you can achieve via commenting to other websites or guest posting.

This way you can get easily indexed in search engine as well as get targeted traffic to your website. Backlink itself is a huge topic, I will soon cover it in later articles.


Content is basic foundation of SEO. Quality or Evergreen content is important for all kind of websites either it’s for blogging or selling products.

Thousands of websites are created everyday and if you need to stand out of crowd and want to get success, you need to work on your content.

If you will write quality content for your readers, search engine is going to love your website…..

No matter how many SEO techniques you apply, if your content is similar and boring like many other websites then it would be tough to rank your website higher.

content marketing

                             Image Source : Reliablesoft

Make sure that when you write content for your websites, you need to keep your targeted readers in your mind not the search engine.

There must be something appealing in your content that your reader like to read it and stay on your webpage longer and even visit other WebPages.

This way you will get more targeted readers and I am sure that you will see a drastic change in bounce rate of your website. If you think that your articles are not useful for your readers, it’s not worth publishing it.

Read your content and make changes according to your readers, make them easy to understand and don’t ever copy contents from other websites.

To improve your writings, do a lot of research on topic, think about it and then give your opinion about same, then it will create a nice content.

Content is never for search engines, it’s always for readers, thus don’t write just for sake of writing.


Keywords still hold quite a bit of value and must be used correctly when you are doing White Hat SEO practices.

Following points must be considered while writing the keywords.

  • All your important keywords must become part of URL and Page Title.
  • Add sufficient keywords upto 1% density into the content of the page which you are writing. That does not means that you have to do keyword stuffing which is basically putting in too much of keywords in the content to artificially inflate the ranking of your site.
  • You can use keywords in Metadata which is being looked upon by the crawler for the information about the page and the site, so if you do make proper use of Metadata, you can dramatically improve the ranking of your site. Few points to remember while using keywords.
  1. Avoid keyword stuffing while describing the content. If you write a content of 500 words then don\’t use the keyword more than 6 to 7 times.
  2. Target your main keyword in the first & last paragraph of your blog.
  3. Lot of webmasters makes this common SEO mistake while optimizing their product or blog title and subtitle they use multiple H1, H2 tags in their content. Use your Keyword in H1 or H2 only once.
  4. Use your main keyword in meta title tags, meta description & in url.
  5. Bold, Underline or Italic your main keyword once in the blog.
  6. Make sure that you are targeting the keywords which are linked to content of the page in smallest possible description.

Social Media Marketing :-

We all know that when it comes to internet marketing then social media works like wonder, but very few knows that social networking websites are also useful in SEO.

Social networks helps you to get targeted traffic and thus exchange of links provides many indirect links to your website, such link juices are like by search engine too.

Thus, if you have a lot of followers on Instagram, Twitter or other social networks then there are more chances of getting your page rank because Search engine bots do follow social network website links.

But, you need to make sure that you have targeted followers on your website.

Increasing followers on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus is a big task and takes time but if you keep on posting useful and quality content then gradually you will see increase in your follower list.

Never go for paid followers, because they are generally irrelevant and not considered as quality links by search engines.

As we discussed above that how keywords help to improve our ranking in search engines, it goes same with social media websites. Many social media websites use keywords to provide related topics or profile to make your search relevant and this helps you to get more targeted traffic and high-quality external links which are considered good in SEO.

Thus, keep promoting your articles/contents in social media networks by using hash tags,,

keep contributing in relevant discussion online but make sure you are not spamming otherwise you might lose your targeted followers.

I hope that this article helped you to understand that SEO is important for our blog and what are White Hat search marketing marketing.

You will get a lot of online paid services which will try to lure you to get more likes on social networks, get your website higher rank in search engine results, increase targeted traffic but I won’t suggest you to go for such services.

Such services just take your money and provide bulk likes/links/ traffic from low quality websites which will affect your website in negative way and gradually those likes and traffic will disappear.

If you are not totally aware about SEO, then you can go for search engine optimization course or hire any marketing firm to customize your blog according to search engine norms but hire them only after doing research about them that they are not fake.

Google White hat SEO practices takes time but if you are planning a long term business/blogging then have patience and start applying above techniques on your website.

Meanwhile, do let us know what strategy you apply on your website for White Hat Search engine optimization and its benefits.

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