Why Many Bloggers Quit Blogging After a Few Months ?

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most bloggers quit blogging

Millions of blogs start every month, but most of them get failed in a span of a few months.
Have you ever wondered WHY? Especially when the internet is full of Blogging tips, SEO tips, marketing strategies, then why only a few blogs run in the race and others finish it even before trying?
We read about a journey of pro-bloggers, follow how they earn millions of money through blogging and read their articles about how to get success in blogging. But just reading these articles are not going to help in the long run, we need to be daydreamers in order to achieve those blogging dreams.
The moment we visit a blog, by reading an article, we can easily understand that the blog is worth reading more or not?
If it is having same monotonous copy-pasted content, then we might not be interested in it. The blogs which are having just a few copied articles will surely come to end soon,
because readers want to know something new which is different from other blog articles.
There are thousands of articles written on a single topic, but only a few blogs are visited by readers, which are having good quality content and other blogs don’t get enough targeted traffic….
So if you are a blogger and can’t produce such content you get frustrated and quit blogging.

Never say I quit

                                    Image Source : Elizabethjoymueller

Here are a few basic reasons why most of the bloggers quit blogging after a few months:

Lack of passion:

For me blogging is all about passion and all other factors are secondary. Either its blogging or any other professions, if you want to get success then you need to have passion for it. Due to lack of passion, your work becomes a tedious task and you can’t come up with new creative ideas to get success…..
That’s the main reason that all professional bloggers suggests to write on a niche which you like, so that you would love to learn new information and share that information including your inputs.
Bloggers generally face writer’s block problem and it can be overcome when you have passion to increase your knowledge and write about it. Blogging without passion is not easy and that’s why many bloggers quit blogging easily because they can’t pass through various hurdles of blogging.

Works for money:

When someone starts blogging after reading the income reports of successful bloggers and not because they have something to share then it’s become easy for them to fail at blogging profession.
Many of them fail to see the hard work professional bloggers put to earn that income…….
There are many shortcuts and illegal methods to earn, but it’s not for long term and success. If you start a blog with a mindset that earning is your first or only priority, then there are maximum chances of quitting blogging in the early months.
For me, money has been always secondary and thus other factors like passion, learning always kept me inspired for years to blog….

Once you give dedication to your work, money will automatically follow and you can earn like pro-bloggers.
I have seen many bloggers who use black hat seo techniques or publish copied content on their blog to earn money but that continues only for a small span of time and soon they realized that blogging is not their piece of cake and finally quit blogging.

Hate to learn new things:

As I mentioned earlier that blogging is all about sharing information and you can only share information when you have sufficient knowledge about it.
You need your own perception/inputs about the topic which you want to share with your readers and to get your own opinions, you need to read a lot.
Reading helps you to learn new things and you start thinking about that topic in details, new questions arise and solutions too which helps you to write articles professionally. But most of the bloggers, copy contents from 2-3 blogs, make an article and publish.
Why readers would read your article when they are getting same content from other blog.

Using Old SEO Methods

I had seen that many bloggers using the old methods of search engine optimization

Now the time has been changed, Apart from Recently Google updates, you need to learn about seo too. Advance SEO techniques helps your blog to get good ranks on search engine and drive organic traffic to your blog….
You need to have an SEO optimized website to increase your blog’s visibility…..
SEO includes different strategies like quality link building,keyword research, image optimization, heading tags, meta tags, keyword analysis, anchor texts, internal linking, outbound linking, backlinks, article submission, social bookmarking  and more..

You need proper guild lines to implement SEO in your blog which takes time to learn….
Many bloggers fail to learn new techniques of optimization and different parts of blogging and thus leave blogging.

Lack of patience:

No one gets success overnight, there are many struggles and failures associated with success, which is not noticed by others.
If you read biographies of successful professionals in any field, you will know how many times they failed, they struggled with de-motivation and faced negative feedbacks….
It goes same with professional bloggers…
When I started blogging,
I used to get negative comments about my grammar, as English is not my first language and I still get a few negative comments on my articles…
But ,I keep on learning from my mistakes, and keep myself motivated. And for doing these things, we need to have lots of patience.
There might be a time when you won’t earn more, get negative feedbacks or feel de-motivated but you need to have patience.
Many bloggers don’t have that much patience, they try for 3-4 months and when there is no earning or traffic they quit blogging.

No virtual community:

Even if you are writing a good content, learning new stuffs but then also there can be chances that you eventually run out of ideas or get bored with what you are doing.
The reason behind that is lack of interactions with fellow bloggers…..
Apart from dedicating time to writing and marketing articles, you need to have an online community, where you can share and discuss new blogging methods. It’s another way of learning and keeping yourself motivated.
Whenever you chat/talk to a professional/newbie blogger, you always find something interesting and there are a lot of chances that you will get solutions to your blogging problems…
I always like to get active on social networking websites to promote business and stay in touch with other bloggers, it’s kind of a family which helps and supports each other. The best ways to stay in touch with other bloggers is to write quality guest posts on other blogs, posting comments and sharing their articles.
Don’t lose hope when your articles are not accepted on other blogs or when other bloggers are not following you on social networks….
It takes time in building online community and when bloggers fail to communicate with other bloggers or help each other then it becomes one of the reasons to quit blogging.
There is not any specific reason,
because of which bloggers quit blogging, but all above are factors which can lead you to quit blogging.

The reason for starting a blog is the biggest motivation for blogging,
if you have started blogging for the right reasons and followed long on the right path then only you can succeed in blogging.
Blogging is not an easy profession, you need lots of dedication and knowledge which will help to keep creative juices flowing in your mind.
I have spent many sleepless nights to learn blogging and make it a profession. Even I faced hurdles and felt de-motivated but passion for blogging never let me quit blogging……
You also let us know in comments why you blog and what are the reasons because of which so many newbie quit blogging?


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