List of 10 Things Which Should Be Revealed in Your LinkedIn Profile

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When it comes to searching a suitable candidate for a job profile, today’s employers do not leave any stone unturned. From top job portals like Naukri, Times Jobs to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn everything is screened and scrutinized properly. However, among all of these sources, Linked is considered as the most reliable and trustworthy source as the users are aware of the professionalism and seriousness of the platform.

Why LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is considered as the most authentic and genuine information source if you are looking for a suitable and genuine candidate. The site is professional, precise and doesn’t have unnecessary and irrelevant posts. The format is such that people reflect their professional work in the best possible way so that it is easy for the employees to select the right person for the job. Ina nutshell,

  • It is professional
  • No Nonsense (No relationships/online gaming related posts)
  • Summarizes the professional experience
  • Social community of professionals

What Should Your LinkedIn Profile Reveal?

Despite a fixed format of feeding the professional experience and work profile, there are doubts and confusion among professionals regarding the way one should present their LinkedIn profile in the most professional and impressive manner. Here are 10 important pointers that should be kept in mind while making the profile so that it reveals the most flattering part of your professional career.

1. Current Position:

Your LinkedIn profile should reflect your current job profile in a very easy, and crisp manner. Choose a suitable heading that summarizes your expertise and skills within a flash. A professional headline is a must. Avoid bad grammar, long sentences and too much information as it takes away the attention from the actual, relevant information.

2. Job Title:

Be clear with your job title, it is obvious that you must be handling one position at a time but it is also possible that you might be handling some other area or department. For eg. Managing human resource in addition to being a team leader of the software department.

Therefore, reflect your multi-tasking and the ability to manage various position simultaneously. It adds on to your skills and expertise. As the employers might be looking for 2 people for these jobs but if they could find a single person with both the skills, they are more likely to pick you for the job!

3. Work Experience:

This is the most important part of your profile. Until and unless you showcase your years of experience and work history, your profile is incomplete and of no use to the potential employer.

Try to mention details of all the previous employers and your job responsibilities in that organization. Mention specific processes and projects that you’ve handles, add years and numbers (if relevant) and try to add recommendations of your seniors from every previous company which will definitely add credibility to your profile.

4. No Silly Mistakes in Writing Profile:

A profession profile is free of errors, be it grammatical errors, factual information or use of slangs or SMS language. Make an effort to write your profile like a thorough professional. Avoid using casual Hinglish language. A badly written profile is discarded right at the first step.

5. Create a Your Own Brand:

Your LinkedIn profile is like branding and marketing yourself. Put an effort to present the best of your abilities which are supported by your juniors, peers, and seniors through recommendations and words of appreciation on your profile. Use visuals, motivational quotes and write blogs representing your views to increase your presence on the site.

6. Mastery Over Your Field:

Try to avoid putting skills that are not inherent in you. Writing wrong information simply to make your profile look attractive can backfire at the time of a job interview.

An employer will screen your profile with a hawk’s eye and hence, presenting any kind of fake information can bring serious consequences. Write and present only those things that you have actually done and experience in your projects. Don’t brag about yourself unnecessarily.

7. Professional Accomplishment:

Your profile should showcase your biggest accomplishments and achievements. This can include handling a team at the time of crisis, or organizing a big event in your company or winning an award from your employers.

Your accomplishments represent a great picture depicting your involvement in every aspect of the company. Employers are more likely to pick you up if they found you an all-rounder.

8. Relevant Experience & Skills:

If you are a content writer, try to highlight various skills related to the field e.g. proofreading, editing, copy editing etc. The more exhaustive you are in listing relevant skills, the more are the chances that the employers will choose you for that particular job. List all the skills wisely and make sure that you do not mention something that you are totally unaware off!

9. Recommendations:

They add credibility to your LinkedIn personal profile. Good words and appreciation from the colleagues add authenticity and build your character. When an employer looks into your profile, it forms a great impression when your colleagues talk about how good you are in teamwork, or as a leader and as a task manager.

10. Invest Time on Your Profile:

You have to constantly keep on updating your profile on LinkedIn to make it more fresh, up-to-date and precise. Try to assess every single word you’ve written on the profile and amend errors as soon as you find them.

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